Tournament Judges

Tournament judges are pivotal in keeping the Fishing Tournaments running. In the Invitational Surf Fishing tournament the club enlists the help of 20 judges who cover 80 fishing stations. There is a fishing team in each station so each pair of judges cover 4 stations/teams. Some judges supply their own 4 wheel drive vehicle for the event and the Club provides them with a beach driving permit. The fish are released back into the ocean alive so each judge has to keep an eye out for fish getting caught so the fish can be measured and released. Lunch is provided as well as tickets to the three social events.

The Nags Head Surf Fishing Club would like to show their appreciation and sincere thanks to the following 2019 volunteers:

Head Judge: Bobby Halstead – Nags Head, NC

Assistant Head Judge:

Roving Judge:



Looking for a couple of days of fun on the beach with free food and beer? Ride around the beaches of Nags Head and score the fish that get caught in the Nags Head Surf Fishing Tournament. Don’t worry if you are not sure if you know how to judge in a fishing contest, you will be teamed up with someone who knows what to do.

We are in great need of some additional volunteers willing to judge in our October  2020 Tournament.  You do not need to have a 4 wheel drive vehicle because we can partner you with someone who does. Judges need to attend the Wens Judges Meeting and then be on the beach for the Thursday and Friday AM and PM sessions. The club provides gas, lunch on both days and tickets to the evening social events which include a buffet and free beer. We also give each judge a special hat or shirt which is not available to anyone but the volunteers. If you would like to join our happy group, please sign up below.

    Sign Me Up To Judge

    I Have 4x4